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My purpose project - Testimony


Hello, my name is Jorge Abenza and I will be a youth worker, or at least this is one of my objectives :) At the end of last year two friends and I decided to create an association to work with young people through the E+ programme.

For this reason I started to participate in some Training Courses to increase my youth worker competences and to get to know more people working in the non formal education field.

Participating in another Training Course in Lithuania and I had a conversation with one of the trainers talking about why I wanted to start to write E+ projects and I mentioned that I would love to help the youngsters to be able to decide in a better way what they wanted to do with their professional future, she smiled to me and told to me about My Purpose Training Course project in Greece and proposed to apply.

I applied, of course I did, since the first moment I had a concrete goal about my participation in this project, to learn as much as possible about the purpose of being able to create a youth exchange about the same topic. I have been struggling with this situation about my professional future for many years so I am very aware about how complicate it can be to stay in this situation, and I wish that I could have had help and support about this, for this reason my motivation and desire to work on this concrete topic it was, and it is still huge.

Luckily, I was accepted and during the project I tried my best to learn as much as possible and to get useful activities and to get the right approach for this topic and the future youth exchange.

3 months after the project I can happily say that I have written a Youth Exchange name “The Ikigai Journey”, a 11 days project that hopefully will be accepted and implemented in Spain.

The objectives of the project are the following:

- To develop the competencies of 24 youths from 4 countries to help them to better identify and pursue their life purpose.

- To increase the awareness of the importance of trying to discover and follow your life's purpose for personal and professional fulfillment.

- To support them to find in what direction they should put their present and future efforts and actions.

- To provide a growth mindset that empowers them to think with positivity, to take responsibility and to act proactively.

- To increase their employability.

- To unlock their full potential and reduce their limiting beliefs.

- To raise visibility the lack of support that the youngsters have when they have to choose their professional path.

- To create content that can be helpful and have a positive impact on other people who are not participating in this exchange but are also in this complicated situation of having to decide what they want to do with their professional future.

- To build a community and a project that will guide and support the participants on a practical and on an emotional level. Providing them skills, knowledge, tools and techniques that will be helpful during and after the project.

There are some similarities with the goals and the workshops that we did on this training, because in my opinion they were very diverse and adequate for the topic and I defend that if something works sometimes is smart to replicate it, so this is what I will do with some of them.

Being honest I am extremely thankful about my participation on this Training, I wanted to contribute and help about this topic but before the project I did not have enough competences, resources, and confidence to do it, because the topic is something serious and complex. Now thanks to my participation I have been able to create a project and I feel prepared to cofacilitated and I think that this project will have positive outcomes.

Additionally, I am still in touch with the trainers and I know that if in the future I need support for something regarding my projects or the topic they will happily help me and it feels great to have this option.

Our intention was to submit “The Ikigai Journey” to the February E+ deadline, unfortunately we have had some problems related with the association papers and could not apply, but we will apply to the October deadline.

If you want more information about whatever feel free to contact me via mail:

Kind regards.

Jorge Abenza

Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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