About Us
Scope of work/ Objectives
Culti Multi is a social cooperative based in Kalamata, Greece. Culti Multi aims to develop innovative educational and cultural activities for young people, educators and organizations. The team believes that education should be based on interactive, multifunctional games and exercises, on-line or offline, as well as to become learners’ based.
We also believe that cultural activities, beside products, should be considered as deeper connections between people and their personal cultures.
In education, Culti Multi creates:
Board games
Mobile apps
Children books
Training courses for youth, adults and vocational students
In culture, the organization creates:
Production services
Events’ support
Our vision is to assist social entities (NGOs, associations, public sector) to develop their activities, to create valuable interconnections between them, enrich their services, develop audiences and increase their impact.
The activities that Culti Multi carries out include:
Provision of counseling and support services to youth and sport organizations to organize, develop and implement social, cultural, sports and leisure events and activities
Provision of consulting services to private and public sector, including adult education organization
Organization of educational seminars, conferences, information workshops and implementation of educational activities and workshops and programs related to culture, sports, health, education, social welfare and solidarity
Organization of cultural, educational, social and recreational events
Provision of support to voluntary groups, clubs and cooperatives
Scientific research and study in the fields of education, lifelong learning, youth and volunteering
Collection, analysis and dissemination of information on national and international levels in the field of youth and lifelong learning
Human resources management and utilization, career guidance and support for vulnerable groups to improve their position in the labor market
National, moral, spiritual and social support and promotion of vocational and technical education
Dissemination of Greek language and culture, multilingualism and multiculturalism
Enhancing the visibility and dissemination of youth issues
Support for women, immigrants and homeless youth
Lifelong and distance learning – Creating and managing e-learning programs – promoting new technologies for education, personal development and job placement
Adult education for acquiring skills (basic and non-basic) in new technologies
Establish Training Centers such as Lifelong Learning Centers, to train new CSWs, and to develop vocational training and on-the-job training of educational and therapeutic character
Promote volunteering and volunteering in general,
Implement equality activities and programs in relation to the care and access to mental health services of women, young people, people from vulnerable social groups, people at risk
Dissemination and recognition of non-formal learning, accreditation of non-formal learning and recognition of the profession of organizer of socio-educational activities for young people
Implementation of Youth Guarantee at national level
Promotion of equality, social cohesion and active community participation
Fostering innovation and creativity as well as entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training,
Implementation of lifelong learning and mobility
Provision of training, counseling and vocational guidance services to the unemployed and connecting them with the business world
Provision of training and consulting services to employees, self-employed and entrepreneurs, as well as monitoring and assisting their progress
Promotion of the entrepreneurship spirit of underemployment and creating innovative and sustainable SMEs
Target group
The target groups of Culti Multi are social entities (NGOs, associations, public sector) and young people.