Understanding Non-Formal Learning – Discovering Potentials!
KA1: Mobility of Youth Workers
Project Reference: 2019-3-EL02-KA105-005240
Non-formal learning is an excellent tool that helps young people develop their skills and abilities, contributes to better self-awareness and self-esteem, and encourages them to become more active, open to new possibilities and opportunities at personal, social and professional levels, supporting critical thinking and empowering them to be able to take and support their own initiatives.
Non-formal learning can also support youth workers and youth organizations to build and develop their skills, analyze and better understand the needs of young people and improve the services they offer to their target groups, helping them make full use of their potential.
Especially in smaller cities and provincial areas, the development of quality youth work and non-formal learning activities is extremely important as it can provide more growth opportunities to young people living there by encouraging them to creatively use their knowledge and skills, contributing creatively to the development of civil society and avoiding illegal and extreme behavior.
The project "Understanding Non-formal Learning - Discovering Potentials!" brings together youth workers from smaller cities and provincial areas in countries from different regions of Europe with a view to implementing a training project aimed at youth workers, representatives of the partner organisations who wish to better understand non-formal learning and develop skills that will support them in designing and implementing non-formal learning activities in their region, ameliorating the services and opportunities offered to young people.
The specific objectives of the project are to:
- Support participants in a better understanding of non-formal learning and how they can use it to approach and empower youth, especially youth with fewer opportunities (marginalized youth, NEETs, young people facing social, geographical and cultural difficulties)
- Develop the skills of participants in the design and implementation of non-formal learning activities aimed at promoting key principles and values such as interculturalism, diversity, respect for human rights, tolerance and creative dialogue between young people from different backgrounds
- Improve the quality of services offered to young people, which are the partners' target-group, by introducing participants to the use of new tools for youth work, including digital work (recognizing the increasing use of digital media by young people, the risks and the the potential of this and how digital youth work can be used to better support young people).
- Creation of an informal network of organizations operating in smaller cities / provinces, aiming at the exchange of tools and good practices and the creation of joint actions
- Support participants in the development of intercultural, social and language skills so that they can implement integration and diversity actions
- To train participants in the creation and use of non-formal learning tools to help them maximize the learning
impact of the activities they carry out
This project consisted of 1 activity, a training course, addressed to youth workers that are members (staff or volunteers) of the participating organization and have little to medium experience in using non-formal learning.
The training course took place in Kalamata, Greece with the participation of 20 youth workers from Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia and facilitated by 2 trainers.
See some pictures from the activities here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.382945536637164&type=3
Read our flipbook with information and conclusions drawn during the training course here: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/a3a894878b.html
Or click on the icon to download it as pdf: