Inclusive Actions for Tolerance
KA153: Mobility of Youth Workers
Project Reference: 2023-1-EL02-KA153-YOU-000144084
Over the past few years, the European Union has struggled with issues like racism and intolerance.
Since one of the main objectives of the EU is to promote diversity and inclusion, it is critical to comprehend how to better address xenophobic issues in order to advance a pluralistic and respectful society.
There are several distinct forms of discrimination, but according to data from the European Network Against Racism, immigrants are one of the groups who are more frequently the targets of racism and xenophobia. Their integration into the social community is significantly hampered by those racist acts committed against them.
The anti-racism action plan of the European Union recommends improving educational system in order to combat xenophobia and encourage diversity across European nations. The IAT project aims to address those issues by adopting these recommendations.
In this light, the "IAT: Inclusive Actions for Tolerance" project aims to give youth workers the skills, knowledge, and practical non-formal tools they need to focus on promoting immigrant inclusion initiatives, based on a careful examination of their unique needs, in order to integrate them and lessen the effects of racial discrimination in their communities.
The fact that not every NGOs operating in Europe are fully aware of the particular requirements of immigrants and the prejudice they encounter is a significant problem. And if this is ignored, all initiatives to combat racism and xenophobia may become less effective over time.
It is extremely important for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working with migrants in this historical period, mid-2023, while also keeping an eye on the most recent information regarding Iran and Ukraine, to have well-trained youth workers who are equipped to address all of the needs of each immigrant in areas where a considerable population of migrants resides. Also, have youth workers who are able to implement concrete steps and specific actions on their territory to counteract discriminatory practices, with an increased impact on the inclusion of migrants in decision-making processes and encouraged actions.
The European Union's core values of equality, respect for others, and diversity are endorsed by the project's influence. Understanding that there is only one race, the human race, and that we are all obligated to actively defend it.
The main objectives of the TC are:
- to increase the knowledge of the participant Youth Workers (YW) on inclusion and tolerance regarding the migrants
- to increase the abilities and the competences of the YW to better introduce migrants in their society
- to enforce the capabilities of the YW and their organizations to effectively act in order to integrate migrants in their activity, helping them in facing racism and intolerance
- to increase the capabilities of the YW to understand the specific needs of migrants
- to increment the participation of refugees and migrants in the local activities of their communities
To achieve the objectives of this project, an activity was implemented, a training course for youth workers. The training course took place in Kalamata from February 11 to 17, 2024 and was attended by 30 youth workers, representatives of partner organizations from Greece, Croatia, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain and Turkey and 2 expert trainers, with experience in intercultural and inclusive education, which prepared and facilitated the educational process.
The training course aimed to give participating youth workers the skills, knowledge, and practical non-formal tools they need to focus on promoting immigrant inclusion initiatives, based on a careful examination of their unique needs, in order to integrate them and lessen the effects of racial discrimination in their communities.
During the training course “IAT: Inclusive Actions for Tolerance” the participants were involved in a series of highly engaging activities focusing on the issues of inclusion, intercultural learning and communication, non-bias communication, and the importance of combating stereotypes and misinformation, discrimination, racism and xenophobia in order to create a more inclusive society. The working methods included: - interactive presentations - discussions and debates - simulation exercises - case studies - theatre and role-playing - reflection and debriefing
Results and Impact
The project “IAT: Inclusive Actions for Tolerance” allowed the Youth Workers to increase their skills and abilities on the topic of inclusion of marginalized people, such as migrants. Participants learnt how to organize and manage activities to better include those people in their local communities, and they also learnt how to create specific events to improve the awareness of the young people on those themes.
The project had one major tangible result, the "Inclusive Actions for Tolerance: A Guidebook for Building Inclusion and Cultural Awareness. An essential resource for fostering environments of tolerance, respect, and understanding among young people. This guidebook combines practical activities with comprehensive guidelines to support educators, youth workers, and community leaders in their efforts to celebrate and integrate diverse cultures effectively.
You can download it by clicking on the image below:
Europski dom Slavonski Brod, Croatia
See some pictures from the activities here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=cultimulti&set=a.838456178292412
Watch the videos of the activity here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RQzgN54-88&list=PL4GX5MzScnuWHhZW2wB815KsJ1m7qIFzQ
This project is been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.