My Purpose Project

KA1: Mobility of Youth Workers
Project Reference: 2020-1-EL02-KA105-005735
This project was created in recognition of the need for youth workers and people active in the youth field to support young people they work with and help them overcome their sense of insecurity and 'being trapped ' in a career that does not suit them, supporting them to discover their purpose and interests and to connect those with their professionality and satisfaction in their professional lives.
This project aims to improve basic competencies, with particular relevance to the labour market, entrepreneurship, employment and the contribution of youth workers to a cohesive society.
The main objectives of the project are to give the participating youth workers the opportunity to develop competences to improve their work with young people, in particular in helping them find their purpose and the right career orientation, based on their own interests and talents and secondly, to give participating organizations the opportunity to have a better qualified staff and thus improve the services and training opportunities they offer to young people.
The project includes only one activity, the training course, "My Purpose Project" which will take place in Kalamata, Greece. It will bring together 26 participants from 8 different countries (Greece, Spain, Poland, Cyprus, Turkey, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Germany). One member of Culti Multi will be responsible for presenting, organizing the hosting and arranging all the logistics, while 2 trainers, one from Poland and one from Spain, will be in charge of organizing the training process.
Participants will be youth workers who work with young people mainly for their empowerment and personal and professional development, as well as teachers in schools who have the opportunity to directly prevent dropout. Some of them will be people with fewer opportunities who are primarily facing economic, social and geographical difficulties.
The project aims primarily to have a learning impact for the participants, supporting them in developing personal, social and professional skills that will help them improve their work with young people. At the same time, it wants to help improve the services provided by project partners to young people, in particular in terms of supporting them in finding their purpose and a career that is in line with their interests and talents and that satisfies them.
The project results are divided into 2 categories:
- Intangible results: capacity building by the participants and the project partners at multiple levels. To disseminate these results, participants will design workshops and educational activities in their local communities.
- Tangible results:
As a direct result of the project, 5 new workshops on purpose were created and designed by the participants themselves. They tested them out in 1.5 hour classes in the local school in Kalamata with 85 different youth and received feedback to improve upon them for the future.
All the tools and methods used in this training course have been gathered in one Google Drive and are accessible to all who may want to use them to design their own activities.
The can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zC1Z6JH57MlTeO20k91c9PswsacrZ7l7?usp=share_link
​This project is been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.