Digital Transformation for the Future
KA153: Mobility of Youth Workers
Project Reference: 2021-1-EL02-KA153-YOU-000012478
The idea of the project "DTF: Digital Transformation for Future" was to increase the digital skills of youth workers and volunteers of youth organizations so that they are able to create learning paths for the young unemployed of their communities and strengthen their digital skills to better enter the labor market.
Culti Multi identified, with the help of the youth workers in its network, four main areas of intervention for a training course on digital skills for the organization's youth workers and young volunteers without work, in order to create a learning path where they can enable the project participants to create digital educational activities for the young unemployed, or increase the digital skills of the participants for finding a job, or developing their existing career.
The four main areas are:
- social media
- online video creation
- online communication
- digital content creation
The project "DTF: Digital Transformation for Future" wanted to "intercept" the specific needs of youth works that would like to increase digital skills to create learning activities for young unemployed and the special needs of young people in the local communities of the organizations -partners who would like to enter the labor market.
The project "DTF: Digital Transformation for Future" had the following objectives:
- increasing the digital skills and abilities of the program participants
- providing digital tools and expertise to program participants
- providing youth workers with new means to integrate the young unemployed
- to provide participants with skills to create digital learning activities, specialized for young unemployed people.
In particular, the aim was that after participating in the activity, the participants would:
- are able to manage and use social media pages in a professional manner,
- know the basics of online video editing,
- know how to use visual storytelling,
- know the basics of digital photography-
- are able to create digital learning activities for a specific target group.
To achieve the objectives of this project, an activity was implemented, a training course for youth workers. The training course took place in Kalamata from January 22 to 27, 2023 and was attended by 29 youth workers, representatives of partner organizations from Greece, the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Spain and Turkey and 2 experienced trainers, with experience in education for the development of digital skills, which prepared and facilitated the educational process.
Most participants were youth workers aged up to 30 (22). However, the project also involved youth workers over 30, with more experience in supporting young people, so that a substantial exchange of ideas and good practices could take place between the participants, the more experienced offering their knowledge and experiences and the less experienced a fresher perspective and possibly a better understanding of the importance of digital transformation in the youth sector.
The training programme included activities such as role-playing, group discussions, practical experiments and exchange of best practices based on non-formal learning methodology, related to digital tools and digital skills, with a special focus on online communication. All activities were based on the active participation of the participants.
Results and Impact
As predicted, the project had the following results:
- Participants developed digital skills and knowledge of methodologies and techniques to use social media accounts in a professional manner
- A number of tools were developed and studied, compiled and published openly to all in the DTF manual, which you can find at the bottom of this page.
- Participants, youth workers and people active in the field of youth, were equipped with knowledge about visual languages in the digital environment.
- Participants had the opportunity to develop knowledge and new skills regarding the use of digital communication:
● visual (through visual storytelling and video making activities)
● online communication (through social media activities.
At the same time, through the dissemination of the results of the project, but also through the use of the knowledge, skills and attitudes developed by the participants in their daily work with young people in their local communities, as well as in international programs, this project made its own contribution to the digital transformation of youth work, promoting its importance, but also offering tangible tools and examples to the partner network of the cooperating organizations in Europe and beyond.
BRNO FOR YOU ZS 🇨🇿 Czechia
International Initiatives for Cooperation Galicia 🇪🇸 Spain
Karavan Insan Kaynaklarini Gelistirme ve Genclik Dernegi 🇹🇷 Türkiye
See some pictures from the activities here: https://www.facebook.com/cultimulti/posts/pfbid02mqSZWtTMGV2PsDr28wftz6tfQ1Lms4PNVazBoPU6vZaJdcBf6jx5a5fYzmBDxF5Gl
Read our manual with information and conclusions drawn during the training course here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IteV5aeeySFJXIDJgCn-7N1IWw7Jbcvj/view?usp=sharing
This project is been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.